We currently focus on a variety of book ranges:
(The books mentioned below are just a few examples, but we offer a larger variety of books and the books you receive may differ from the ones below)
Play and Learn with Wallace (Priddy Books) - Wallace the early learning Dog helps children learn in this fun sticker book.
Schoolies Story Books (Priddy Books) - Children will love to meet Spencer the roller-skating owl, Lydia the shy ladybird, Zippy the squirrel and their other Schoolies friends in this series that will help them learn concepts from ABC to 123, healthy eating to making friends.
First Sticker Concepts (Priddy Books) - A fantastic early learning sticker book for children aged three and over Great for introducing key first concepts while having fun at the same time.
Pre-School Sticker Activity (Priddy Books) - A fun sticker activity books. Packed with puzzles, colouring and more to encourage creative, imaginative play.
Wipe Clean- Learning, Early Learning Fun, Flash Cards & Dot to Dot (Priddy Books) - Wipe-clean pages and the high-quality pen allow activities to be done again and again. Children will enjoy practising writing simple words and drawings. They like to try and clean the books themselves and start again which is a fantastic way of reinforcing their learning. The books are sturdy and durable and the activities are very self-explanatory so all children find them easy to use.
You should expect to receive 2 of the following books per child each month. Price for 1 child: R160pm Price for 2nd child: R109pm Price for 3rd child: R99pm |
1. Sticker Books • The fun activities, games and puzzles help introduce first words, starting sounds, phonics, simple sentences and more • Great for introducing key first concepts while having fun at the same time - little ones will love the activities and picture puzzles! • Exciting sticker book packed with lots of fun activities to entertain preschool children • Puzzles, colouring, drawing and more... Just add crayons! |
2. Story Books & Sticker - Soft Cover • A reassuring and positive story exploring children's first experiences through the eyes of the Schoolies • Children will love to meet Spencer the roller-skating owl, Lydia the shy ladybird, Zippy the squirrel and their other Schoolies friends in this series • From waking up to favourite lessons, the bus ride home to bedtime, kids will love spending a day with the Schoolies! •This brilliant, bright book is packed full of fun activities with lots to look for and do |
3. Wipe Clean - Learning • Wipe-clean books are great for preschool children • A practical workbook designed to help children learn first skills • Full of simple activities and exercises that kids will love to complete • Pages wipe clean so that exercises can be repeated again and again • Comes with a non-toxic, wipe-clean pen • First activity book for toddlers, with dot-to-dot puzzles, games and more to complete • Ideal to help develop fine motor and problem solving skills, as well as number recognition and counting skills
4. Flash Cards • 26 double-sided activity flash cards, each with two images of familiar animals or Letters with their name printed underneath in outline form for children to trace over • Cards are wipe-clean and come with a non-toxic, wipe-clean pen, so that activities can be repeated • Promote word recognition, letter formation and fine motor skills |
5. Learning With Wallace • Wallace the early learning Dog helps children prepare for school in this picture puzzles sticker book • The picture activities, games and puzzles are ideal for introducing first concepts in a fun way • With over 200 stickers to find and complete the early learning exercises |
Its important to start with a good foundation:
Early Preschool (Age 3)Kids usually begin to:
• explore books independently
• listen to longer books that are read aloud
• retell a familiar story
• recite the alphabet
• begin to sing the alphabet song with prompting and cues
• make continuous symbols that resemble writing
• imitate the action of reading a book aloud
Late Preschool (Age 4)Kids usually begin to:
• recognize familiar signs and labels, especially on signs and containers
• make up rhymes or silly phrases
• recognize and write some of the letters of the alphabet (a good goal to strive for is 12-15 letters)
• read and write their names
• name beginning letters or sounds of words
• match some letters to their sounds
• use familiar letters to try writing words
• understand that print is read from left to right, top to bottom
• retell stories that have been read to them
Pre-School Reading Milestones
Young children begin to recognize familiar words. Your young child may learn whole words that she can see, like STOP signs, before she learns individual letters. Young children may also learn logos and symbols, so, as they pass familiar restaurants, they may point out a known letter, such as “big M.”
Young children learn that stories have a clear structure and specific elements. As your young child listens to stories, he learns that all good stories have a beginning, middle, and end. He also learns to predict, based on the book cover, what the story will be about, as well as what might happen next or how the story will end. Young children learn that there are characters in stories and that the setting (where and when it takes place) is something that a listener would want to know. Your child will enjoy comparing the characters in a book to himself and to other real life people he knows.
Your young child may “pretend” to read. Children who have been read to frequently will pretend to read books to themselves or to their toy dolls and animals, using their own words or phrases from the story. Parents and caregivers may also observe young children incorporating pretend reading into their play—”reading” a recipe as they make a cake or “reading” a shopping list as they put groceries in their basket.
Young children become aware that the world is filled with letters. During the preschool years, many young children will be able to recite or sing the alphabet. They may begin to recognize familiar letters, especially letters in their own names, followed by letters from parents’, siblings’, and friends’ names. Finding familiar letters in their homes, at preschool, or in the grocery store is very exciting for young children, and they will let parents and caregivers know when “I found another big N!” or “Hey, there is the little t!”
Pre-School Writing Milestones
Your young child may begin to make real letters. These first “real” letters often occur by accident during scribbling and then are labeled by your child—”Look, I made an ‘O’!” Some 4-year-olds may also begin writing their names. Displaying these first written letters on the refrigerator or door to your child’s room clearly signals that this is a real accomplishment and that you and he should feel proud.
Your young child may request help in learning to write letters. As she begins to observe that writing is an important activity for adults, your child may want to learn “real” writing herself. Young children love to learn how to form the letters of their own names and of other “important” and frequently used words such as “Mom,” “love,” and “to.”
Your young child may begin to show interest in what adults write. As your child watches you writing lists, letters, and forms, he may want to do the same thing. You can support his writing (pretend or real) by having a variety of materials readily available (pens, pencils, crayons, notepads, plain paper, colored paper, etc.). Young children develop confidence in writing when they are included in real writing activities. For example, many preschoolers are thrilled when adults suggest that they help write the grocery list or a thank-you note.
Your young child may become interested in typing or using the computer. This is especially true in households and settings where adults regularly use computers or typewriters. The amount of concentration and control over hand muscles that is required for computer and keyboard use is considerable and develops at different rates, so adult support is important.
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